steps for writting server program

1)Create the object of serversocket class
        ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(2345);
this statement creates socket for the server and the argument represents the port number to which the server listens.

2)Accept the connection from the clint
        socket clint=Server.accept();
after creating the socket it enters into the infinite loop and waits for the clint connection by using accept method.

3) Get input and output stream of the socket
        Scanner ins=new Scanner(server.getInputStream());
        PrintWriter outs =new PrintWriter(server.getOutputStream(),true);
the first statement gets inputstream of server's socket and opens scanner on it,similerly,the second statement gets output stream of server's socket and opens Printwriters on it.

4) Read/write data to the socket
the first statement reads a line from server's socket and puts it in variable 'rs' and the second statement writes the value of string variable 'ss' into server's socket.

5) Close stream
once i/o is complited,above statements are used to close inpt stream and output stream of clint's socket.

6)close socket
we use statements to close the connection between clint and server computers.


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